Celebrating Valentine’s As A New Parent

style the girl couple valentines

This Tuesday will be Diego and I’s first Valentine’s Day as parents, and of course it will be completely different then the past years.  Before Sofia we would always do something cute and sweet, but nothing too crazy because we celebrate our dating anniversary the following week.  With that being said, I have a few cute ideas on what to do for Valentine’s with your little one.

1.  Movie at Home: Pick a super cute movie that you all can enjoy, but especially a romantic comedy or a fun Pixar one.

2. Valentine Cards: Target right now has some really cute diy valentine’s day cards for $3 and $5, so why not do some for each other and your little one.

3. Dinner: Since the restaurants will be filled with tons of people, stay home and cook dinner together.  Yes, for some it might seem like just another day, but change-up the meal style and make it cute and romantic.  Make food into hearts, diy chocolate covered strawberries and what else else you can think of.

4. Dance: Put on some music, grab your baby, husband or wife and dance around the living room and have the best time.

5. Make Homemade Art: We have had a hand print art package for a few weeks now and will use this day to make one of Sofia’s cute little hands.

6. Start a Tradition: What ever you want it to be, a message to each other, a makeshift gift or etc., this is a great chance to start something with your new family.

I hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day with your loved ones.  <3

style the girl couple valentinesstyle the girl couple valentines style the girl couple valentines

style the girl couple valentinesstyle the girl couple valentinesstyle the girl couple valentines

style the girl couple valentines style the girl couple valentines style the girl couple valentines

Celebrating Valentine's As A New Parent Celebrating Valentine's As A New ParentCelebrating Valentine's As A New Parent

Thank you so much to Rachel Stubbe Photography.

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