I know 2020 hasn’t been what we all imagined, and currently Houston had 2 hurricanes forming in the gulf, one of which looked like it was going to hit us (thankfully it passed) and we were preparing the best way we could. Walmart’s Express delivery service (subject to availability in select stores) is a brand new service that allows you to order what you need online and within 2 hours or less your items are dropped off right at your doorstep; how amazing is that.
As a new mom to two it has been really hard for me to get around and run errands and we are very cautious of what we do with the kids, so being at home is our favorite. A lot of times I need these items urgently so this option is the BEST ever. From diapers because I didn’t realize I was running low, to ordering food to make for dinner because we ate through it all during the weekend, or craft items because staying at home with an active 4 year old and 4 month old can be difficult, Walmart has all that you need. Plus Walmart Express delivery is subject to availability at select stores. Standard delivery fee and/or Express delivery fee may apply. Minimum order applies.
When the hurricane was on the way to us I was in a rush for all that I talked about above, groceries for dinner, diapers for overnight accidents, craft items (play-do) and dog food for our two little pups since we have a hurricane coming our way and already had most of the essentials, so anything to get us our items quickly is a must.
Even if you have a hurricane coming or not Walmart’s Express delivery is a must and will make anyones like easy peasy!!
This post is sponsored by Walmart. As always all my thoughts and ideas are mine.